Recent legal definitions identify asylum seekers and refugees as two separate groups. Accordingly an asylum seeker is a person who has applied for asylum in this country but still awaiting decision from the home office. A refugee is a person whose claim has been accepted and he/she is allowed to stay in this country for a temporary or indefinite period.

Immigration and asylum processes can be confusing and the legislations change continuously. There are many organizations across UK which carry out research and provide information on refugee and asylum issues. For updated information on asylum system and issues around refugees you can go to:
Refugee Council:
Refugee Action:
Amnesty International:
Immigration Advisory Service Link:

We prefer the term migrant because it includes the many types of people who cross borders without differentiating between those that the state judges as either legitimate or illegal. We believe that no one is illegal and that all people should be free to cross borders and make their homes wherever they wish. For more information or updates you can go to:
No Borders:
Brighton no Borders:
We oppose the media-inflamed anti-immigration hysteria and the state’s border controls, detention of migrants and deportation. We are committed to solidarity with all migrants.