Volunteer – Application Form

Please read the About us and Volunteering  sections of this website and if you think you would like to join MEP complete and submit the application form below.

We do not have space to take on everyone who applies so please give us as much information as you can about why you want to join MEP. This helps us to decide who has the most to offer and the most to benefit from joining MEP.

When we receive your application we will:

  1. Reply to let you know if we are currently taking on new volunteers and confirming whether we would like to take forward your application.
  2.  If we are interested to take forward your application, we will invite you to come to MEP for a short visit one Monday to meet people and see what we do.
  3. If both sides decide to go ahead, we will then take up references.
  4. If you are still interested, we will then ask you to attend a longer volunteer induction session so we can tell you about MEP, our principles and policies and talk about how you would like to be involved.

The application process takes several weeks. Unfortunately we can only consider volunteers who are able to come in every Monday and can commit to staying with us for at least six months.

Fields marked * are required.

    *First name

    *Last name

    *Telephone number


    *Home address

    Where did you hear about MEP?

    Please confirm that you are able to come to MEP regularly on Monday (all day, or morning or afternoon) for at least six months

    Why would you like to get involved with MEP?

    What would you like to do at MEP?

    If so, please tell us a little about your previous experience with teaching languages.

    Please tell us about your interests, skills and experience.

    Please use the space below to explain.

    Do you have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, previously CRB) check?

    Do you have any criminal convictions which are not yet spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974? (We will only consider an applicant's criminal record if we feel that s/he may pose a risk to our users. MEP will always review the individual circumstances of a case and explain any decision to the applicant)

    If 'yes' please provide details here

    Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

    Please provide details of two referees – one professional and one professional or personal. We will take up references before accepting any applications and require an email address for both referees.

    Professional reference


    Job Title/position


    In what capacity have you worked with this person?

    Email address

    Telephone number or numbers


    Professional or Personal reference


    Job Title/position


    In what capacity have you worked with this person?

    Email address

    Telephone number or numbers


    The MEP confirms that the information you have given will be used by the teaching co-ordinators and group organisers for MEP purposes only during the application process. It will not be shared with anyone else. Your contact details and information about your role at MEP will be retained if you become a MEP volunteer. If you do not become a volunteer with MEP, we will delete this application form after three months.

    Enter these characters in the box below before clicking the "Submit" button:

